Saturday 17 September 2016

Report Session 7 
 Report by : Muaviyah and Umm-e-Muaviyah
Attended by : 7 members

This was the 7th session of Smart Kids Club.In this session there were 7 members

.First of all the teacher told the children that there stories will be recorded so one by one children came and shared there stories.

 Aaliya's Story

 Zaid's Story

 Muaviyah's Story

 Saadi's Story

Dani's story

Then the teacher asked children that witch month is going on and  children couldn't answer so children were asked to sing the poem about Islamic Months.and the teacher recorded the poem and here is the link of our poem

 then the  children came to know that the  Dhu Al-Hijja month is going on ,  and then teacher asked that what do we do in this month and the children answered that we do hajj and do sacrifice the animal for Allah . 

Teacher told the story about Hazrat Ibrahim AS and Hazrat Ismail AS, and also told us about the blessings of this month and we should recite TAKBEERAAT in this month so the teacher told children that what are the Takbeerat and we all recited ALLAH HU AKBAR - ALLAH HU AKBAR - LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH - WALLAH HU AKBAR - ALLAH HU AKBAR - WA LILLAH IL HAMD

After that we were asked to draw any poster that gives some message . All the members made their beautiful posters.

And  the session ended and we played together .


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