sunday, 31 , 2016
Report Session 2
Report by : M.Muaviyah
session no. : 2
Attended by : 10 members
This was the second session of Smart Kids Club, in this session there were four new members ,After a little introduction we did a quick recap of our first session, then we started our class. The first activity was "Book Sharing Activity" , Every member told about his book that: what is the title ? who is the Author ? what this book is all about? we gave our books to them , and we gave them book review formats , which they will fill at home and bring in the next class.
In the second activity we did science experiment about making two negative charged balloons , and we observed that when we rub two balloons with a wool and make them come closer they both push each other .
The third activity was about the mind activity in which we gave children visual puzzle which they have to draw without lifting up the pencil , without making a double line , and without crossing the lines. Only one member succeed in this puzzle , in home task we gave two more images to draw with the same rules.
Then the class ended and all the boys played cricket while waiting for their parents.
Good luck!